Common Yellowthroat Colonel


As part of a limited series featuring Maine songbirds and heritage streamer flies, the Common Yellowthroat Colonel brings together fly tying traditions with birding in this highly detailed print.

Holiday 2022 Pre-order: 8x8 archival prints on 310g paper are available on pre-order with an order deadline of November 30th. I am honored to work with a small local Maine print shop, keeping this work within the community and requiring a little more patience. Prints are sent directly to you usually within a week of the deadline. If you require a more urgent shipment, please be in touch directly:

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As part of a limited series featuring Maine songbirds and heritage streamer flies, the Common Yellowthroat Colonel brings together fly tying traditions with birding in this highly detailed print.

Holiday 2022 Pre-order: 8x8 archival prints on 310g paper are available on pre-order with an order deadline of November 30th. I am honored to work with a small local Maine print shop, keeping this work within the community and requiring a little more patience. Prints are sent directly to you usually within a week of the deadline. If you require a more urgent shipment, please be in touch directly:

As part of a limited series featuring Maine songbirds and heritage streamer flies, the Common Yellowthroat Colonel brings together fly tying traditions with birding in this highly detailed print.

Holiday 2022 Pre-order: 8x8 archival prints on 310g paper are available on pre-order with an order deadline of November 30th. I am honored to work with a small local Maine print shop, keeping this work within the community and requiring a little more patience. Prints are sent directly to you usually within a week of the deadline. If you require a more urgent shipment, please be in touch directly:


Birds + Flies Series

Featuring seasonal warblers you’re likely to encounter in the woods + waters of Maine, this series celebrates classic streamer patterns in playful relationship with birds of similar palette.

Common Yellowthroat Warbler

Geothlypis trichas: males sing a clear witchety-witchety-witchety song from undergrowth and low lying branches, females answer with a deep chuck. Find them looking for bugs and other snacks under fallen leaves, thorny bushes, and other groundcover.

Sipping coffee in the morning sun and watching these little bandits rustle beneath undergrowth among raspberry brambles— maybe the best way to wake up.

- Bri Dostie

Colonel Bates Streamer

Designed by Carrie Stevens and named in honor of Colonel Joseph D. Bates, and renamed each time he climbed the ranks in the military. This pattern was a favorite of Carrie (behind the gray ghost) and is proven to function in both fresh and saltwater — though designed with landlocked salmon in mind. The Colonel utilizes a mix of tinsel, red duck feather, brown and yellow hackle, teal breast feather, and jungle cock for the eye.

Custom Artwork Consultation
Tennessee + Nine Three
Black Throated Green + Rooster's Regret
Black Throated Green + Rooster's Regret — Notecards
Blackburnian Witch